In this video I’ll show you how to create a basic Video Player with Kivy!
Kivy comes with a basic videoplayer that you can use to do very basic video things.
There aren’t a lot of options to fiddle with, but if you just need to show a video in your app, this will work just fine.
#kivy #codemy
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from kivy.lang import Builder from import MDApp from kivy.uix.videoplayer import VideoPlayer class MainApp(MDApp): title = "Simple Video" def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "BlueGray" # Create videoPlayer Instance player = VideoPlayer(source = "videos/intro.mp4") # Assign VideoPlayer State player.state = 'play' # Set options player.options = {'eos': 'loop'} # Allow stretch player.allow_stretch = True # Return player return player MainApp().run()
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