In this video I’ll show you how to use the Speed Dial Button Menu with KivyMD. The KivyMD Speed Dial Button, MDFloatingActionButtonSpeedDial, is a little round...
In this video I’ll show you how to build a bottom Navbar with Icons for KivyMD and Python. We’ll create a MDToolbar with MDBottomNavigation and we’ll...
In this video we’ll learn how to create a bottom bar button with KivyMD. Many modern mobile apps have a round button at the bottom of the screen, either on the...
In this video we’ll create a basic login screen for KivyMD and Python. We’ll use MDTextFieldRound, MDLabel, and MDRoundFlatButton…as well as son icons...
In this video I’ll show you how to select and use Color Themes with KivyMD. With KivyMD, you don’t so much choose colors for your app and widgets, instead...
In this video I’ll talk about which is better; Kivy or Tkinter? I get asked this question several times a day…which is better, Kivy or Tkinter? In this video...
In this video I’ll show you how to teach yourself KivyMD quickly and easily! In the last video we looked at the Kitchen Sink app which shows you all of the...
In this video I’ll introduce you to KivyMd and show you how to install it! KivyMD is a port of Google’s Material Design for Kivy. Material Design are a set...
In this video I’ll show you how to easily add a switch to your Kivy App. Switches are great for toggling things on or off. To create a switch, just define it in...
In this video I’ll show you how to easily style your text in Kivy using Markup. Markup is very similar to HTML. It has opening and closing tags, and allows you to...