In this video we’ll build out the addition functionality of our calculator with Kivy and Python.
In the last video, we built out the basic gui for our calculator app. In this video we’ll add in some functionality.
First, we’ll write code to deal with pressing number buttons and entering them into the text box at the top of our calculator.
Then we’ll work on the math buttons (plus, minus, multiplication, and division).
After that we’ll start to work on the equal button, but only for addition.
Python Code:
GitHub Code:
from import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from import ObjectProperty from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.core.window import Window # Set the app size Window.size = (500,700) # Designate Our .kv design file Builder.load_file('calc.kv') class MyLayout(Widget): def clear(self): self.ids.calc_input.text = '0' # Create a button pressing function def button_press(self, button): # create a variable that contains whatever was in the text box already prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # determine if 0 is sitting there if prior == "0": self.ids.calc_input.text = '' self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{button}' else: self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{prior}{button}' # create addition function def add(self): # create a variable that contains whatever was in the text box already prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # slap a plus sign to the text box self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{prior}+' # create addition function def subtract(self): # create a variable that contains whatever was in the text box already prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # slap a plus sign to the text box self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{prior}-' # create addition function def multiply(self): # create a variable that contains whatever was in the text box already prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # slap a plus sign to the text box self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{prior}*' # create addition function def divide(self): # create a variable that contains whatever was in the text box already prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # slap a plus sign to the text box self.ids.calc_input.text = f'{prior}/' # create equals to function def equals(self): prior = self.ids.calc_input.text # Addition if "+" in prior: num_list = prior.split("+") answer = 0 # loop thru our list for number in num_list: answer = answer + int(number) # print the answer in the text box self.ids.calc_input.text = str(answer) class CalculatorApp(App): def build(self): return MyLayout() if __name__ == '__main__': CalculatorApp().run()
Kivy Design Code: calc.kv
GitHub Code: calc.kv
<MyLayout> BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size: root.width, root.height TextInput: id: calc_input text: "0" halign: "right" font_size: 65 size_hint: (1, .15) GridLayout: cols: 4 rows: 5 # Row Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "%" Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "CE" Button: id: clear size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "C" on_press: root.clear() Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "/" on_press: root.divide() # Row Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "7" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(7) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "8" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(8) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "9" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(9) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "x" on_press: root.multiply() # Row Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "4" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(4) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "5" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(5) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "6" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(6) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "-" on_press: root.subtract() # Row Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "1" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(1) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "2" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(2) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "3" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(3) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "+" on_press: root.add() # Row Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "+/-" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "0" background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) on_press: root.button_press(0) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "." background_color: (157/255, 157/255, 157/255, 1) Button: size_hint: (.2, .2) font_size: 32 text: "=" on_press: root.equals()
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